Friday, April 27, 2012


Atop of a large hill in Echo Park, Los Angeles, on the 1900 block of Delta street, there is a room that was shared by my brother Derek. If you happened to peek in you would notice a small two foot square window on the western facing wall allowing rays to illuminate a rather minuscule room. (only knowing the dimensions because of frequent escape attempts)  Our bedroom although tightly confined, is yet spacious enough to contain so many clues and windows into an odd world. On the floor there is a deep brown thick shag carpet, reminiscent of a mastodons coat. Next to my left foot is a mound of He-man toys spray painted brown by the neighbors across the street. My brother and I descovered that the younger of three boys squeezed through our doggie door, while the others stood lookout. Needless to say they never made a similar mistake after a heroic return and justice served. Next a twin bed rest above a full size box spring, shower capped by silver/black Raiders fitted sheet along with matching comforter. Against the wall a collage of G.I. Joe, Thunder Cats, and N. W. A. posters. Hanging from ceiling are four Star Wars models suspended by fishing wire to replicate a spacial dogfight. continue to scan the walls and come across my brothers Collection of Iron Maiden, as well as Led Zeplin posters in a mix of gore and beauty. Below his series of posters rests an end table with nothing but an old style wind up alarm clock. Immediately following is a metal bunk bed. Only the top bunk is used with my brothers base amp to use as a stepping stool elevating to the top layer. Staring back at you from this point is a life sized poster of Bo Jackson with a measuring tape along his side to gauge my short prowess. On the woolly shag below Bo's knees are a mini Pac-man and Donkey kong arcade games that have been used so much the programing has become buggy.

      There was not a lot in our rooms, due to the fact that we had very little posessions at that time, but in that room my mind roamed beyond borders. I can recall many fond memories we
hen thinking back to the time spent in that old room, giving my cause to dream of more elaborate surroundings.

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